
Therefore, as God’s chosen people, holy and dearly loved, clothe yourselves with compassion, kindness, humility, gentleness and patience. Colossians 3:12

Hi, I’m JennaGrace Morrison. Writing for me has become my way to escape, and remember how good my God is. I also love to travel and go on random adventures. Working out is pretty cool too.

Meeting Jesus Face to Face

When I was seven years old, I accepted Jesus to be the Lord of my life. With my dad being a student pastor and my grandfather being a senior pastor, I have always been in church. From the time I can remember, I was at church every time the door was open. Although this was…

Acceptance and Expectations

It was not until couple years ago that I realized how often I let expectations control my life. Who or what are some of the biggest expectations that you let rule over our life? Is it your parents, family members, school, friends, significant others, culture, or YOURSELF? Without realizing it, we put so many expectations…

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