Acceptance and Expectations

It was not until couple years ago that I realized how often I let expectations control my life. Who or what are some of the biggest expectations that you let rule over our life?

Is it your parents, family members, school, friends, significant others, culture, or YOURSELF? Without realizing it, we put so many expectations on ourselves and other people.

Then, we are surprised when we are so easily disappointed when these expectations are not met.

How many times have you disappointed someone that you love and care about? How many times have you been disappointed by someone you love and care about?

My answer, often.

We have put so many expectations on ourselves and other people as if they/we are God. Why do we put ourselves and others on the same level as God, and expect not to be disappointed? God is completely perfect and will never fail us, but people do every single day!

I am 100% certain that I put the most expectations on myself, and I let this control many daily decisions I make. The fear of failure and not living up to other’s expectations is terrifying to me. I never want to disappoint anyone!

Why do we want to be accepted so badly by people that continually put unrealistic expectations on us? Wouldn’t it be easier to turn to a God who accepts us for who we are?

If you have turned from your sin nature and believe in Him, then you are forever accepted by God.

The only expectation that should affect our lives is God’s expectation for us. His expectations are simple: that we know Him and make Him known.

Once we (I am still in this process too) learn to only live for God’s expectations, we will be not be constantly weighed down by everyone else’s expectations of us.

God accepts our faults, failures, and our mistakes. Unlike Him, we are not perfect, and we will make mistakes.

The word accepted has become significant in my life as I know how hard it is to always “feel” accepted by others. I now know that the only person whose acceptance I need is the Lord’s, and I have had His acceptance since I accepted Him as Lord of my life! I hope you will do the same if you do not know Him as your personal savior.

I am not telling you to go get a tattoo to remind yourself of this, but I got the word accepted in Hebrew behind my ear as a constant reminder that I am completely and fully accepted by God.

Robert S. McGee said, “our true value is based not on our behavior or the approval of others but on what God’s Words says is true of us.”

21 Once you were alienated from God and were enemies in your minds because of[g] your evil behavior. 22 But now he has reconciled you by Christ’s physical body through death to present you holy in his sight, without blemish and free from accusation. Colossians 1:21-22

How much more joyful and freely could we live if we were not caught up in other’s acceptance, expectations, and approval of us?  Rather, we need to constantly remind ourselves that we are completely and fully accepted by God.

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